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Now Introducing...


Previously we discussed the time when Jesus said that a new kind of decentralized worship change would come that would enable worshippers to worship the father, the most high God, in any location. The only requirement would be those of “in spirit and truth”. This is where at least in part derive our distinctive of Authentic Worship: Praising God by the Spirit & with the Truth.

In our day the idea of having a worship leader is commonplace. Leading a congregation in worship is vital and has deeply biblical and historical roots. The function of this person has been exercised in my lifetime in the form of a song-leader and more recently as a worship leader. Leading people to offer sacrifices of awe, confession, praise and worship while gathered together is role that ultimately belongs to the shepherds of God’s flock and comes with specific qualifications.

We at Light City Bible Church continue to be amazed at how God has provided for all our needs. We could easily make a case that He has already given us far beyond our mere needs and has blessed us in abundance. You who are joining with the Lord in what He is doing are part of that blessing. Another blessing that may be unusual for new churches is having a worship leader and in fact a worship team from the very start.

Grant Hart is a recent graduate of Grace College in Winona Lake Indiana and has a passion to shepherd people specifically in the area of musical worship. He is also, like me a PK (preachers kid) but please don’t hold that against us. Another indicator of God’s providence in gathering a people here at Light City is the like-mindedness. Kevin and I have so much in common, as do all of our people. For this we are grateful. This unity is also evident in Grant. It is no mere coincidence that many of the things he studied, while perhaps not typical for modern worship leading, fits very well with our philosophy of musical worship. Praise God for his gift!

The gathering of the Lord’s people on the Lord’s day should have a particular order (1 Cor. 14:10). Preaching the gospel to ourselves daily is a mantra that could be overused and under-applied, but we intend to pursue gospel-centricity in everything and at all costs. This includes our worship service. So for our worship services on the Lord’s Day you can expect to; hear the gospel, see the gospel and participate in the gospel via singing and congregational responses as well as the sacraments. Now, I’m still working on getting the gospel into any pertinent announcements so stay tuned;-)

We are so grateful that the Lord has provided Grant and his team. Will you please pray for him and them? Grant has been and will be volunteering his time, energy and miles from Fort Wayne to lead us each week. He has already demonstrated leadership beyond his years by helping assemble a list of equipment and instrument needs and particularly in working with the others on the worship team. We look forward to how Christ will develop him as we pursue excellence in everything for the glory of Christ. Until then, we invite you to thank him for his willingness and skill and again, lift him up in prayer as he fills this vital role at Light City.

Let's Be the Light!


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